In recent years, use of information technology in almost all industries has been increased drastically. The automation had pushed its limits and boundaries of human being to great extent. Automation and technology has grounded its roots in almost all industries. The Mechanical/Production industries are one of them.
As we know almost every single operation has been automated thanks to technology and its innovators. We have seen automated robots, machines, tools which are making human efforts less and our life better. But it may come with a price. “Cyber Threats.” Cyber threats are threats in almost all industries now-a-days. In Mechanical industries cyber threats are not propagated that much. But in future they surly gonna make their mark.
In this article, we will see what potential security risks in Mechanical Engineering industries are.
Risks in Design and automation software’s:
There was an era where mechanical engineers spent their time with pencils, rubbers, drafting tools etc. to design. The technology revolution increased their work efficiency.
Engineers gets job done faster and more efficiently using computer added softwares and plotters. CAD/CAE software programs are graphics-rich to allow engineers the ability to create three-dimensional models of their designs.
These programs also perform complex calculations, helping engineers to create detailed specifications.As designs are completed, data associated with components identified populate the CAD program's database functionality, allowing the engineer to automate the building of a parts list.
Various companies take use of this Computer Aided Software to increase productivity and efficiency to grow and enhanced their work performance and position in market. Big companies like Autodesk, Solidworks, CATIA, PTC provides this softwares. They come with cool automation features.
We can also perform potential tests on our product on this softwares which are costly in general practice. Since this softwares are expensive, most of the big organizations and industries can afford this softwares. But small-scale industries and companies can’t afford them. Some of them download and install pirated versions of this CAD/CAE softwares which are free (Thanks to torrents). Pirated stuff brings viruses, malwares, trojans etc.

Pirated softwares are intentionally crafted with various spywares, malwares behind main software by cyber criminals. They get installed in background and runs silently. As soon as they start working, these cyber criminals can make use of them to steal sensitive information about company and industries which can cause a lot of trouble to companies. These malwares also use lot of resources, they slow down the entire system.
They may also propagate through network and can infect all the system connected to same network. In most of the mechanical industries, there is absence of cyber security expert or analyst, this issues never get caught easily and company needs to restart and restore entire system which is not desired. This may cause a big setback to company.
As we know the recent events of Ransomware attacks. These attacks are mostly done on non-IT industries as attackers know that security of non-IT industries is comparatively low. This event cause big loss and malfunctions in industry.
Risks of Data theft or loss:
Automation has made our life easier and same applies to Mech industries and thanks to automation revolution. Use of robots and automated tools have been increased way more in last 10 years. Various robotic machines increase productivity and efficiency of work. That’s why most of the companies designed and deployed robotics and automation in their work flow. These automated robots are programmed on computers as per industries need. They need constant modifications and betterment to make their mark in global market.
The designs and other data of these machines and tools needs to be confidential.
Let’s take one scenario:
One company named “Cool company” makes automated tools and machines for industry needs. They also make custom made designs as per respective company requirement. Each of these designs needs to be kept confidential as they are custom made. They don’t have any cyber security or information security team to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.
One day a notorious hacker hacks his way out through their system as system security is weak and gets access to their system. Because of Cool Company don’t have any cyber security team to take any counter majors, they are not aware of this until this designs and data get stolen or corrupted.
This cyber-criminal sells this stolen data to their competitor company. Now, Cool Company lost its designs and data as well as their position, reputation in market. This kind of threats are making their position in current industry. Mechanical industry needs to consider cyber security domain as their main operational domain.
Risks in Automated machines and robotics:
Nowadays, almost every company uses robotics in their daily operations. In large industries, many departments and sections are connected to each other internally through a network. This makes work flow efficient. Miscommunications, delay in information transmission, employee’s work load, these things get sorted almost to zero with use of automation.
Automated robots are programmed and connected to network so that one can operate them remotely. In some operations like in boiler, human can’t operate in such high temperature. In this case, these automated robots come in picture. As they are connected to network, they can be accessed remotely by respective person only.
Internet of Things (IoT) has increased since past couple of years. The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. Most of the devices and machines are connected to internet, this brings more expose of IoT to cyber-attacks.
If company’s Network security is weak and if network of Automobile/ Mech company gets compromised by cyber criminal, Robotic as well as automated machines may also get attacked or hacked as they are connected to network. This brings big trouble. If system gets compromised, cyber criminals may access machines remotely from anywhere in world and cause malfunction in machines which may cause big panic in company. Company may suffer through a big loss and physical trauma.
As information technology era has grounding its roots in almost all industries, cyber-attacks also making their place in industries. We need to deploy cyber security basics in mechanical engineering industries to overcome potential threats. Careful examination of organization’s system to find loopholes and weak point needs to be done. A security policy and guidelines need to implement to ensure safety as well as security in industry. With this security policy in focus at all times, organizations will have greater chance of success in our current global economy. A proper training should be given to employees to overcome loopholes and human errors in focus of cyber security. To wrap up this, we can conclude that there is major roll of cyber security in mechanical industries in nearby future.
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